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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Hi, Miss Graceful hurts herself,

Hi all,
     Well, yesterday I went for my 6 week appointment to check my surgical areas. After a very painful exam, the doctor determined that I am healing well but I still have some stitches in the inside that haven't "melted" away yet. She said that is pretty common. She, also, noticed I have granulated areas (meaning they are still raw). That would explain the old blood discharge I am having. I have to see her in two months for a proper exam. She couldn't do one yesterday because I was in so much pain but at least she got to see some of what she needed to see. If my stitches and granulated areas are not healed two months, she will have to cauterize those areas. :( Let us hope they heal by the next appointment.  That was yesterday.
     Today, as I was going to the garage.  In the garage, I was getting ready to pick my mom up from work, when I tripped and fell. I was lucky because if I hadn't grabbed hold of something, I would have hurt myself more than I am.  Anyways, while trying to stabilize myself during the fall, I twisted my right side/hip area and softly landing on my rump. I texted Nick to come get me. He came to me and had to help me into the house. I had to call my mom to tell her Nick would have to take me to the hospital because I thought I broke my hip. That is how bad the sprain is. Anyhow, I called my father to get him to pick her up. Then, Nick took me to the hospital. Turns out I sprained it badly as previously stated earlier. The x-ray showed I didn't have any broken bones. 😀. That was the good news. I was ordered back on bed rest for a few days, to take pain relievers, and use a cane.
      This has been a sad year. All these deaths and not just celebrities. RIP to all those who passed away this year. I pray that God comforts you all during these difficult moments. I feel bad for all the families especially Todd Fisher and Carrie's daughter. Not only are they burying Carrie, they now have to bury Debbie.  I read they are having a joint funeral, which is fitting because they both died in a 24 hour period from each other.  Then, you have all the other celebrities that passed away like Prince, George Michael, John Amos, Lemmy, Nancy Reagan, Alan Thicke, Ron Glass, Abe Vagoda, Patty Duke, etc.  There are so many that I would be here for awhile listing them.  I hope 2017 doesn't have as many deaths as 2016 has had.
      Well, hopefully the last two days of 2016 will be boring and uneventful for all.  Let us not have any more deaths for awhile, people stop hurting one another for awhile, and everyone is happy and healthy. Let 2016 end on a little better note by not having anything bad happen. I can't say this was a good year, but I can say it could have been worse. Hopefully, it won't get any worse. 

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