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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Is the second coming of Jesus near?

Hi all,
     I haven't watched the news for awhile but I decided to watch today.  I see what is going on around the world and all these celebrities and people in general dying left and right.  My thoughts have turned to the Book of Revelations.  God talked to John about a whole bunch of events will take place before Jesus comes back a second time, which leaves me pondering about His return soon.  I know the Bible states to get ready for Jesus's second coming and that only God the Father knows when Jesus is coming.
      I am not one of those people who freaks out about everything little thing or I am not a "Chicken Little." However, I am wondering if I should start to stock up on nonperishable food and water.  Should I make sure I am dressed in lounge wear when I sleep so I can be ready like the Bible says to be.  All these things are circling my mind as I watch the news.
       The reason why I am thinking about these things is because the Bible states that people will be divided, they fight with one another, they will persecute and kill Jesus's followers, etc. These things are happening more and more.  People are believing lies over facts.  You hear how people are intolerant with one another and embracing sinful behaviors more and more.  God has been forced out of schools, public property, etc.  I know these things have been going on for years but it seems like they have increased over the past few years.  The Bible says all these things will happen before Jesus comes again.
       I have been working on my relationship with God over the last couple of years. I have gotten more serious with my praying and trying to change my life/attitude etc.  However, ever since I had my surgery, I have been going to TV mass on EWTN every day except the past couple of days due to my painful exam yesterday and my fall today. I hope God isn't mad because I haven't done my prayers or haven't gone to Mass. I will try to do my prayers and go to Mass tomorrow if I am not in too much pain.  I went back to my prayer regiment.  Now, I don't know what occurred during my surgery but before I went into surgery, I went to Mass on Sundays only. I only did a few prayers.  Now, I had the notion to go mass every day, barring any health issues.  I didn't have a voice tell me or anything like that. I just turned on the TV at my parents' house one morning during my recovery and went to Mass. I have been going or try to go every day.  My point is I don't know why but God wanted me to go to Mass every day. He is in control so He wanted me to go to church.  He clearly is bringing me closer and I wonder if it is because Jesus is coming soon.  Sometimes, I ask Jesus to take me with Him when He comes back.  I wonder if that is the reason.  I am waiting for God to tell me.
       The other thing is I have never fit in anywhere.  I always felt out of place.  My parents raised me to be old-fashioned.  When I was preteen and teen, I wondered if I should become a nun.  Throughout my adult years, I wondered if I should become a nun. However, I never had a calling.  I just had thoughts of it.  I never had the urge to go into a religious order.  Those thoughts have surfaced again in past week or so.  With my unresolved health issues, I don't think I would be any help to a Covent or the community.  So, joining a religious order doesn't sound like a good idea.  I want to do God's will and live for the Holy Trinity.  I try every day to make God happy. That's all I want to do.  I fail every day in doing that but I do try. 
      All I know is I am waiting on God to give me direction as to where my life should go.  I am waiting for a sign or a whack to the back of my head by God to say hey over here or listen up.


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